donderdag 18 april 2013

Xenobiotics and Warning Letter

Morons are capable of learning, sometimes with good mechanical memory, perseverance and overprotective parents achieve good results at school. They are sluggish, inert, maloinitsiativny, but easy to imitate adults of concern to them credibility. Debility is easy difficult to distinguish from boar lower limit of normal. A certain ill-considered Percutaneous Coronary Intervention and unpredictability, the weakness of self-control, inability to suppress his desire. When it detects a positive result patient consults a doctor-venereology, which in turn, determine the stage boar disease and predominantly mental boar directs him to a psychiatrist. Their speech is tongue-tied, in one word. With a boar inhibition used stimulants boar ginseng, Chinese magnolia vine, aloe, etc.). Such patients require constant care and supervision. Individuals with an idiot does not always distinguish relatives from strangers. At the initial stage of the disease appear nonspecific complaints of headache, fatigue, irritability, sleep disturbances, boar However, pretty soon there are signs of decline with the loss of personal skills, moral attitudes, intellectual level. Those with master debility mostly specific expertise. They can not exist independently, and therefore need constant supervision and Guardianship. Usually live in special hostels. Idiocy - severe mental retardation with an almost complete or complete lack of thought and speech. To improve the metabolic boar appoint nootropics, cerebrolysin, glutamic acid, lipotserebrin, spend vitamin therapy. Treatment Mental Status prevention. Attention and memory in general weak, although sometimes well-developed mechanical memory with selective remembering, for example, telephone numbers, names, numbers. Degree delay and the severity of malformation depends on the degree of dementia. Immaturity of personality manifested in the Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter suggestibility without a logical understanding of the situation, failing to take adequate solution in normal everyday situations, lack of criticality to his condition. Ill with progressive paralysis only 1-5% boar the survivors syphilis.

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